Assalammualaikum n hi everybody.....
First of all, mas nak ucapkan tq coz sudi singgah sat @my blogspot...act. dah lama nak set up tp xberkesempatan..n now this is d time!!!Hopefully, thru' this blog my lil' cakes bussiness akan berkembang maju n mendapat tempat di hati u all...(rezeki xkan dtg bgolek kan...tanpa usaha)...
Sebenarnyer..minat nak buat bis. nie dtg dr my beloved sister 'Along' yg mmg minat buat cookies n kek sjk dr zaman anak dara lg...(dulu i n my brother 'wajib' tlg dier buat kueh raya)..biler asyik dok tgk n tlg dier buat..lelama i pun jadik minat nak masak-memasak nie..thanx to u sis :)..for d inspiration, motivation, advice n everythin'
For my beloved hubby..."abang..i'm so thankful to have u in my life...n i will do my best 'coz EVERYTHIN' IS POSSIBLE"..semoga u sentiasa support i ye yang :)
Here, some of the samples...n..enjoy viewing..pastu tu kalau dah berkenan boleh la order plak...hehehehh