Thursday, April 23, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Lynn Hassan Cup Cake Class
Bergambar bersama sebelum nak balik rumah
Dah lama rehan teringin nak join class k.lynn...Alhamdulillah...akhirnya tercapai jgk...last week rehan n my sis berkesempatan utk blaja ngan k.lynn..byk betul ilmu yg rehan dpt..n k.lynn..she's very humble, sporting dan yg plg penting x kedekut ilmu...i salute u "cikgu", inila hasilnya..from zero to hero....hehehe..dah jadik hero ker???belum lagik..byk lagi nak kene blaja nie...InsyaAllah...
The Marathon - Pn. Haslina from Persada Plus, Subang
Moist Choc. Cake
:-Comment k.ina : Choc cake – topping dia memang best n cake sedap.
Kak ina bagi ke kawan khas utk anak2 dia, anak2 dia kata ni choc cake paling sedap dia org makan!
:-Comment k.ina : Blueberry cheese – memang sedap, semua suka!
:-Comment k.ina : Blueberry cheese – memang sedap, semua suka!
Oreo Cheeze Cake(Chilled)
:-Comment k.ina : Oreo cheese – sedap tapi manis, maybe kak ina n kawan2 ni tak pemanis.
Pineapple Tart Sedap...
:-Comment k.ina :Tart – sedap n melt dlm mulut.
The Marathon??Hmm..why??
I can say it's a 'big order' from k.ina which is 2pcs of moist choc. cake, 1pcs of oreo cheeze cake, 1pcs of Wild blueberry cheeze cake n 100pcs of pineapple tart...Maybe pd mereka2 yg expert..apala sgt..but for me as a beginner..banyak dah tu..xmenang tangan n xtido dibuatnya..huru hara kejap rehan...hehhe..walau apa pun, rehan terima ia sbg cabaran..n cuba berikan yg terbaik..
Actually, ada mcm2 citer disebalik kewujudan cake2's a long story to tell n lots of things happened..hehhe..nak tergelak pun ada..malu pun ada..biler rehan terkenang balik..inila yg dikatakan pengalaman...anyway, biarla ianya jd sejarah pada rehan n k.ina...yg sedihnyer, wild blueberry pic terlupa nak amik..huhuhu..
To k.ina, tq so much for believing in me...u're such a nice n lovely lady..rasa mcm dah mesra sgt..even kiter baru je kenal...tq for ur understanding n kindness...sorry sangat atas segala kekurangan..n harap k.ina puas hati support me in future okay..
Monday, April 13, 2009
Mr. Cheong - Petronas Dagangan
This 1/2 kg of Oreo Cheeze Cake (Chilled) was orderred by Mr. Cheong for his 'makan2 time' wit d family. The cake also filled wit d pieces of oreo biscuit..(tu yang nampak serbuk2 oreo sekeling cake)...futhermore, it's my best selling cake started from day one!!! Wanna taste it? Do contact me okay..To Mr. Cheong..tq for your time order lagi yer..hehehhh
Friday, April 10, 2009
Bahagia..Di Mana Ia???
Mengapa???kita sentiasa perlu rasa tak cukup dalam hidup ini..Kenapa?Mengapa?? kita tak mampu bersyukur setulusnya..atas segala nikmat yang diberi oleh-NYA..biarpun bibir sering mengucapkan..Kenapa???kita selalu fikir yang rezeki orang lain lebih daripada kita..Kenapa??kiter terus jadi begini...ntahla..itulah kita...MANUSIA...satu spesis makhluk ciptaan Tuhan yang tak pernah puas dengan apa yang diberikan oleh-NYA mahupun segunung emas terbentang di depan mata...aku masih mencari..meskipun jauh didasar hati...apa yang aku perlu dalam hidup ini?apa yang aku mahu lagi untuk buat aku rasa lebih bahagia..??TAK bahagia ke aku selama nie??hmm..bila difikirkan semula...ternyata aku BAHAGIA..jika dibanding insan-insan lain diluar sana...Bahagia dengan cara ku sendiri yang semestinya berbeza dari sesiapa walaupun darah yang mengalir itu sama...Aku masih merangkak dalam kehidupan ini..terlalu kecil dan kerdil..untuk berhadapan dengan dugaanNya..Masih belajar untuk memahami seadanya...zahir kehidupan ini, lara batin jiwa ini...segalanya semakin aku cuba untuk memberi dan menerima tanpa meminta..Ya ALLAH..Limpahkanlah ketenangan, singgahkanlah kelapangan agar diri ini terus berjalan tanpa menoleh pada ketidakpuasan..semoga satu hari..akan terukir sebuah senyuman dari hati tanpa rawan....AMIN...
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Bukan Milik Ku
Aha...rehan suka sangat masa dekorasikan cake heart just melted into it...ntahla..agaknya byk berangan kot heheh:) Actually, last sunday, my hubby asked me to baked this moist choc. cake as he wanted to bring it to the office on the next day...nak bagi kwn2 account dept katanya..(baik betul hati hubby rehan kan:()...but unfortunately, tetiba dia diberitahu utk attend course @Maya for 2 days..n langsung xmasuk, cake nie terperuk la dlm fridge..nasib baik my sis dtg rumah n i asked her to sell the cake at special price RM18! Alhamdulillah..dah terjual gak my choc. cake...nak mkn sayang sbb dah buat bukan milik perut ku la jadinyer...
Wild Blueberry Cheeze
Yummy..yummy...xterliur ke?hehehe..rehan masa buat cake nie..mmg xsabar nak makan...
Anyway, this cake is meant for bebudak Poli yg nak dtg..alih2 xdtg plak..apalagi buat santapan org lain la...ish..ishh..memang tolak rezeki bebudak nie..nasib la..
It's topped with d wild blueberry n covered by slices of dark choc. as a "fence"..hehe..
Quality of d pic. lil' bit blur 'coz i'm using my hubby hp daaa..
MY Price List
Choices of cakes:
* Moist Choc. :
a. 1/2kg - RM 20.00
b. 1 kg - RM 40.00
c. 2 kg - RM 80.00
(Topped with choc. ganache or butter cream n simple deco)
* Walnut Carrot :
a. 1/2kg - RM 25.00
b. 1 kg - RM 50.00
c. 2 kg - RM 100.00
(Topped with cream cheeze n deco e.g name)
* Golden Mix Fruit :
a. 1kg - RM 45.00
b. 2kg - RM 90.00
(Topped with buttercream n deco e.g name)
My Cheeze Cakes(100% cheeze)
* Classic Cheeze :
a. 1/2kg - RM 30.00
b. 1 kg - RM 60.00
* Oreo Cheeze (Chill) :
a. 1/2kg - RM 30.00
b. 1 kg - RM 60.00
* Wild Blueberry Cheeze :
a. 1/2kg - RM 35.00
b. 1 kg - RM 70.00
(Topped with Wild Blueberry as well as the filling)
Cup Cakes:
(Option A)
*Flavors: Funky Orange, Choc. Lover, Sweet Vanilla n Happy Cheeze
* Decos: Buttercream or Choc. Ganache layered with simple deco
* Set : Solo Cup
a. S (2.0 oz) 25 pcs per set - RM 40.00
b. M (2.5 oz) 25 pcs per set - RM 45.00
c. L (3.25 oz) 16 pcs per set - RM 36.00
25 pcs per set - RM 55.00
*For bulk order (>200 pcs) special price will be given.
Cup Cakes:
(Option B)
* Flavors: Funky Orange, Chocolate Lover,Sweet Vanilla n Happy Cheeze
* Deco: Buttercream or Choc. Ganache layered with simple fondant deco
* Set : Solo Cup
a. M (2.5 oz) 25 pcs per set - RM 85.00
b. L (3.25 oz) 16 pcs per set - RM 64.00 and
25 pcs per set - RM 100.00
* Price for fondant decoration may varies according to client's request.
* For bulk order (>200 pcs), special price will be given.
* Sweet Cheeze Bun : min. order 20pcs @ RM 0.70 each
* Cream Puff (ast. flavor) : min. order 20pcs @ RM 0.50 each
* Pineapple Tart Sedap : min. order 50pcs @ RM 22.00 per box
* Moist Choc. :
a. 1/2kg - RM 20.00
b. 1 kg - RM 40.00
c. 2 kg - RM 80.00
(Topped with choc. ganache or butter cream n simple deco)
* Walnut Carrot :
a. 1/2kg - RM 25.00
b. 1 kg - RM 50.00
c. 2 kg - RM 100.00
(Topped with cream cheeze n deco e.g name)
* Golden Mix Fruit :
a. 1kg - RM 45.00
b. 2kg - RM 90.00
(Topped with buttercream n deco e.g name)
My Cheeze Cakes(100% cheeze)
* Classic Cheeze :
a. 1/2kg - RM 30.00
b. 1 kg - RM 60.00
* Oreo Cheeze (Chill) :
a. 1/2kg - RM 30.00
b. 1 kg - RM 60.00
* Wild Blueberry Cheeze :
a. 1/2kg - RM 35.00
b. 1 kg - RM 70.00
(Topped with Wild Blueberry as well as the filling)
Cup Cakes:
(Option A)
*Flavors: Funky Orange, Choc. Lover, Sweet Vanilla n Happy Cheeze
* Decos: Buttercream or Choc. Ganache layered with simple deco
* Set : Solo Cup
a. S (2.0 oz) 25 pcs per set - RM 40.00
b. M (2.5 oz) 25 pcs per set - RM 45.00
c. L (3.25 oz) 16 pcs per set - RM 36.00
25 pcs per set - RM 55.00
*For bulk order (>200 pcs) special price will be given.
Cup Cakes:
(Option B)
* Flavors: Funky Orange, Chocolate Lover,Sweet Vanilla n Happy Cheeze
* Deco: Buttercream or Choc. Ganache layered with simple fondant deco
* Set : Solo Cup
a. M (2.5 oz) 25 pcs per set - RM 85.00
b. L (3.25 oz) 16 pcs per set - RM 64.00 and
25 pcs per set - RM 100.00
* Price for fondant decoration may varies according to client's request.
* For bulk order (>200 pcs), special price will be given.
* Sweet Cheeze Bun : min. order 20pcs @ RM 0.70 each
* Cream Puff (ast. flavor) : min. order 20pcs @ RM 0.50 each
* Pineapple Tart Sedap : min. order 50pcs @ RM 22.00 per box
Monday, April 6, 2009
LUV is in d air...
Special Editions..'s an alternatives for u..quick..grab d oppurtunity!!Limited delivery for dayabumi off. area only...
Okay...this cuppies rehan buat in small quantity...6pcs in set!!Bukan apa..ada request nak beli in a small bujang n buat mkn2 kat off jer..xpela..rehan buat jer as long as ada demand..btw, rehan kan xde keje lain..blh la spend all d times to entertain all d demands heehh..(mula meniaga sumer pun tak?)Anyway, the price is still reasonable...n quality always d best!!!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Hasil Kreatif Student Poli Shah Alam..Part 1
Ni la hasil kreatif student2 PSA..act. ada citer disebalik 'kewujudan' cuppies nie..this is what we called 'rezeki'...nak jadik citer, rehan 'berkenalan' ngan student PSA nie kat clinic(masa tu g bwk my baby for check up)..alih2, they asked me to be a mentor for their entreprenuer project..terkejut gak..iyela..i'm really new into this..but wit a lil' guts n support from my hubby..i decided to accept it...basicly, i hv to teach n show them on how to bake a cuppies n decos..cewah..mcm pro jer!hehehhe..n..need to provide some info on buss profile..(mcm dah lama bukak co.:)
so,from next week onwards diorang akan 'berkampung' kat rumah rehan la...syok gak biler entertain bebudak nie..teringat masa zaman2 study dulu..sibuk interview org utk buat assignment...:)hmmm..i miss all my frenzz..(tetiba plak teringat kengkawan)...
Wait..there'll be more stories n designs to come....!!!!
Semerah Lipstik ku...'s really..really red isn't it? even my son don't wanna eat the cuppies..:( b'coz of d color..Actually d cuppies are for an individual sale @rm2.70 each (3.25oz each). Interested? do contact me okay...while stocks last!!!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Petronas Dagangan-LPG
in the making
This is 3rd order from LPG Division again..alhamdulillah..this time is for the welcoming ceremony for their new d 1st place, diorang nak suruh tulis nama boss..alih2 change to 'CRO'-central region off...hmm lg senang kerje..hehehe..Next time order lagi ye..btw, it's 2.5oz of orange cuppies..
p/s:Bila review balik pic, designs tu mcm messy hubby kata the bosses likes it..ok la tu..
Buah tangan utk mak
Happy Birthday Papa Dave...
This special golf theme cake nie requested by Mrs. Shin(my neighbour) for his beloved hubby..Honestly, this is my 1st time buat besday cake..(i'm still new into this field), selalu buat cuppies jer...act. she asked me to make a simple golf clubs decos..wit the balls..
since i'm too excited,i've tried my best to make the golf bag also..even with my lil' skills n knowledges on fondant..n here's the result..lil' bit messy here n there:(
Barula rehan tau betapa susahnya nak meratakan's really tough for me (as a beginner!!) takes a long hour for me to finish up the decos..n a big thank for my hubby coz' sanggup temankan rehan sepanjang mlm sampai tertido kat kerusi mkn...kesian!!
To Shin: tq so much for ur trust..n..really appreciate ur support me in future!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Family Day @Langkawi
Petronas Dagangan-LPG
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Yusri - Subang HiTech
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